The ‘small world’ phenomenon is familiar to many, as mapped in six easy steps.
♥ 2537 miles → Airstreaming → Mushrooms → retired medical professionals → writers → Queen Elizabeth’s dogs ♥
The distance from DeTour Village, MI, to SanDiego, CA is five days by car and 0.005 sec. by Google. Our summer neighbors, acclaimed travel writer, Graham Mackintosh, and his RN wife Bonni, an accomplished mycologist, split their time in these two idyllic locales.
SanDiego is also home to writer, photographer, naturalist, and RN (ret.) Bill Doyle, and his partner, Larry Ko, a culinary chef extraordinaire & pediatric therapist (ret.). Their adventures are richly documented on the Airstream site, History Safari Express… appetizing read.
Through our joint friendships, they were all able to meet at this ‘can’t miss’ affair, in scenic Balboa Park.
Caution: Leave your Lotrimin and Sporanox at the door
Bonni is always welcome in our cabin as a dinner guest, where she provides an assorted tray of mushrooms to sample with wine and dinner. Hand picked from the wild of the upper peninsula, they can range from earthy to sweet….and always, the non-poisonous varieties. It’s safe to ask for seconds. Or if you require resuscitation, she is equipped with the nursing skill to insure your survival.
Below, the happy trio smiling in the ethereal atmosphere which can only be provided by fungi and air-borne spores:
L-R, Bill D., Bonni M., Larry K.
If this isn’t adequate evidence that hallucinogens work, enter Queen Elizabeth’s favorite dog, the Welsh Corgi…..another common bond shared at the fair.
Graham and Bonni’s irrepressible, PILI (pronounced, pee-lee), in mid-flight on the beach at Lake Huron
Larry and Bill, with MAC and TASHA in the CA desert, joined by an iron-rich hound in the background
Note: if they were my dogs they would have been named Mac & Cheese
We wished we could have attended, nestled in southern AZ, however did so vicariously. Content to watch the final episode, season three of Downton Abbey, along with a favorite, the brassy Queen Mother and her corgis.
Perhaps someone else will link Kevin Bacon and the six degrees of separation to this text, but Lynn and I are grateful our mutual friends, living only a few miles apart, finally met at this BYOM* affair.
* bring your own mushrooms
Thanks, Dr. C. — You have outdone yourself in illustrating that even the lowly fungus can play an integral role in the six degrees of unification phenomenon.
Yes, our part in this unification story started with our Corgis and accelerated when I published my photo of a Desert Shaggy Mane Mushroom bursting forth from the desert floor near our Airstream campsite last fall:
Thank you for your instrumental role in this unification, which led to a delightful visit with Bonni and her desert mushroom collection last Sunday.
One can only wonder what Helen (who didn’t mince words when criticizing your last post) will say now that you have included fungi in your posts!
Best to you and Lynn!